Saturday, September 26, 2009


Today is COOL. Yesterday actually looked like this too...and I love it. When the sun was setting last night, all of this fog was pink. It was the strangest thing I've ever seen. I felt like I was inside a bag of pink cotton candy. At one point my boys were down playing at a neighbor's house in the front yard. I could hear them but couldn't see them. When I waited out front to watch them come home, it was like a movie seeing these forms coming through the fog and finally being able to focus enough to see who they were.

There is a really hill-y farm on the way to the kids' schools. It looks like a patchwork quilt with a cornfield on one hill, old barns, pumpkin patches with dots of orange, big round rolls of hay from the newly plowed fields, and horses and cows. I really have to get a photo of it someday, it is breathtaking - but SO cool when it has the layers of fog too. I always tell the kids I expect to see Scooby and the gang in the corn maze since it looks almost animated. Add this place to another reason I love Kentucky.

SO..... small updates on the fam.

Trevor woke me up with a fever last night. He's on the couch with a little bed made for him and strict instructions to stay put all day. He asked me if he could have a soda from McDonalds, so he is set with that including a mass of stickers from poison control stuck all over the cup and lid so nobody accidentally drinks from his cup. It's toxic! The stickers made him smile though, so they serve two purposes really. :)

We have two kids that Megan plays with that had confirmed swine flu last week. One girl had been home and Megan hadn't seen much of her the week before she got sick. So hopefully she dodged germs. The other is a boy that Megan has lunch with She was telling me the other day when he had his first day back how she started calling him Moses. The story kind of starts with me going to open house at her school the other night. She went with me to show me her classrooms, and we had to keep to a schedule like the kids have all day, only our 'classes' were 10 minutes each. The hallways are impossible to pass through with all the kids during the day. It's like being a salmon trying to swim upstream to get to your class. It's like my high school was with overcrowding... you'd hear the tardy bell but you were stuck in people traffic, so there's nothing you could do except stand there and wait.

Except... to be BFF with Moses. Why did he go from being Nick to Moses? Because apparently all you have to do to clear a path through hundreds of kids is say loudly, "I had swine flu last week!" And the sea begins to part. Clearing a path for Nick (with Megan and a few others in this group who all have four classes in a row together) to follow behind. It cracks me up! She has her daddy's sense of humor when it comes to nicknames for people. I was pretty impressed with Moses.

This week too I learned the newest in elementary/middle school slang.

"That's so beast!" - said about a super cool Hot Wheel that came in a happy meal. Apparently "beast" is the new word for cool. But the kids all thought it was dorky and laughed at me when I said that in my day, "Boss" was cool. "That is SOOO BOSS!" Does anybody else see the irony that they think boss is stupid.... yet here they are saying "beast" with the most serious faces? Ok guys.... we'll just go with that for awhile. Until the next word comes along.

We had fun playing with the ridiculousness of it all while we were on the freeway the other day. We'd look for random signs to come up with our own cool term that surely will become the next 'cool' slang word. "Oh man, that is SO Turfway!" "That is SO dead possum on the side of the road." Want to pass time in a car full of kids? Play that game. They think it is so funny.

Not much else going on here. Still patiently waiting for daddy to come home, and have to get everybody well for that. October also starts the birthday month from hell..... mine, my sister, Megan and Matthew. Then Halloween. October is always a blur now. Which isn't such a bad thing since I ADORE fall... but wow. Time to hold on tight.

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