Friday, February 11, 2011

What we're watching......

TV shows come and go. Some define the moments in our lives. This week is a TV week!

A current favorite that we can't miss is Police Women of Cincinnati. Those girls are tough. Plus it's cool to see the overhead shots of the city. OK, but can't judge an entire city on these shows. Cincinnati is not as horrible as you'd think simply by watching. Much like last year when they did Policewomen of Maricopa County. What they show isn't the Phoenix that I know.

- But I LOVE the architecture of Cincinnati. Sadly, so much of the old buildings are in the worst areas. The kids make fun of me because when they show some of these run down buildings these women are chasing some drug dealer into, I always say, "Oh look at how beautiful that building is!" You can see all the old moulding, the details in ironwork, the lead glass and pretty tiles from back when they were probably mansions, now divided into several apartments and multi meth head units. Sometimes you just have to overlook the crack pipes and prostitutes and appreciate the history. lol.

I should mention how the other night I was going to set the new season of Survivor on season pass on the DVR.

When I was scrolling on the guide, I noticed that Blue's Clues was on Nick. I don't know what made me do it, but I hit select and it popped on. I wanted a peek at what used to consume so much time in our lives years ago. I haven't' seen Blue or Steve in ages! Matthew and Trevor heard it and came out from where they were moths to a flame. They sat on the couch next to me and we watched the last 15 minutes together.

I told both of them how much they used to love this show. (Even though of course now they are too cool, and were mocking how simple Blue's Clues really is.) I told them stories about how during this time in their lives we had several Handy Dandy Notebooks, striped shirts because they looked like Steve's, and how many late nights we'd watch a Blue's Clues video because when we were up sick with asthma, a 20 minute episode is about how long a breathing treatment took. We'd sit there at 2 in the morning.....with a tube in a mouth and that loud machine buzzing away.

It was fun to go back in time a little bit.

For the past ten years, twice a year, our lives revolved around SURVIVOR. Once again, welcome back Jeff. You are like family.


Phil from the Amazing Race, he's back too.

Not only is Survivor starting a new season, but the BEST is when both Survivor AND The Amazing Race are on at the same time!! (Can you feel my excitement!?!?!) I love it when their seasons overlap and twice in a week we have 'our shows.' The shows where we all look forward to some serious couch time. We take our competition and favorite teams on these as seriously as some people take football.

It is Friday, which also means that it is SOUP night. Another weekly television tradition. :)

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