Friday, April 14, 2006

I am so torn.

Ugh. I am so torn. I knew this day would come. Megan came home from school today and asked me about the Easter Bunny. I asked her what she thought, and what kids at school were saying. She said that kids at school were saying that it is really your parents. :( But then she quickly added that she still knew that Santa Claus was real because she saw his footprints coming out from the chimney this year.

So right now I am really torn as to whether or not I should be honest and tell her. Or she could know in her heart already and just not want to let me know it yet. My only concern about not telling her is that I don't want kids to laugh at her when she goes back to school on Monday. But then again, I love the innocence that she still enjoys because of believing. She is the kind of girl that would believe until she had children of her own.

I need to think about this awhile and see how things go the next couple of days. No matter what, if we had7 years of the magic, I would never trade the surpirised looks of pure joy that I enjoyed so much, for anything.


Anonymous said...

awww...that stinks.

maybe once she decides she doesn't believe she can be your easter bunny for the other 2?

thanks again for the awesome gift!!

Lisa said...

well, my girls still believe--the older 2 probably don't but haven't let on. Carson did ask me to day if he was real and she is 9!! Kids talk and I'm sure that they are aware but I am not looking forward to telling her that I am really the Easter bunny, Santa and the tooth fairy all rolled into one!

Anonymous said...

sorry you are facing that, kerry. not looking forward to those kinds of questions EVER!!


Anonymous said...

Kerry, that is a hard choice to make, when they ask about that. GOOD LUCK! I also love your page of your son reading. Savanna also loves to read and it really make you so proud! THat is AWESOME that your husband is becoming a pilot! Take care TAmmi

Maddy said...

It's a hard time when some of the "magic" of childhood starts to fade away.

This weekend, I was talking to my sister about Easter -- and she never remembers it being any fun. IN fact, she can barely remember it. She's 7 years younger than me, so by the time she rolled around, my parents were Easter-ed out. I can see why!