Wednesday, September 16, 2009

around the house

I took a little break to enjoy the breeze outside today, and sit and have a glass of ice water on the front steps. I really need a cool rocking chair out there. I've always been a porch sitter. My parents were porch sitters and I come from a long line of porch sitters. (Note open windows in above apologies to my Arizona people. ;)

I was on IM with Mike earlier today and told him that after I had driven back from taking the boys to school that I noticed how pretty the flag on the front of my house looked as it was waving in the breeze. It wasn't that all out spastic waving.... but more like that slow motion, big waves, flowing type waving where you can even hear it pop as each wave works it's way through the fabric at the end. Of course my photo doesn't show that AT ALL dang it. It was really beautiful. Mike said he absolutely cannot wait to see this flag flying again, after living overseas for some time now.

We are late as usual for doing any sort of planting. In my defense I think I still may be on Arizona planting schedules. I always let things burn to a crisp when I planted things out there. Plus I bought this little herb garden kit on clearance last year and the kids reminded me that we still had it. Megan had enjoyed my neighbor's fresh basil on her delicious Kentucky tomatoes this year so much, she was pretty excited to see that basil was one of the seed packets. Megan mixed the dirt, wrote on the labels and did this all by herself.

And we are excited to finally see little green things popping through!! Come on little guys! You can do it!! Grow!


Lisa said...

it has cooled off to under 100 here missy! lol

Qwendykay said...

Love the pic with the flag. What a pretty house.

I need your good vibes.. just bid on a house up where Mr. Man is... can you imagine living together under one roof?