Tuesday, January 05, 2010


The phone rang around 5:30 this morning with the recorded call....."Due to inclement weather....all ******** County schools are closed." Mike was already up for WORK so this meant that I didn't have to drive him, and I went back to sleep. I love it when the kids come in all freaked out later in the morning, thinking that I overslept, and I get to say, "Snow day." I'd say a snow day face is better than any excited face on Christmas morning.
An added bonus was that I had made lunches the night before, so they know if they get hungry they already have a meal ready to go if they don't want to make their own.
The boys have been outside for most of the day (Trevor especially has been running around the neighborhood with a bunch of boys) while Megan and I stayed inside making cider, doing normal everyday chores, and her sitting on the couch near the fire on her laptop. The big talk burning up the lines on her cell phone is that more snow is expected later this week!
I'm giving the - project 365 photo a day - thing a try again this year. So far so good on taking them, just not on posting them. I'll get to that later. This week has been crazy busy...and it's only Tuesday.
Peace out. Stay warm.


Lisa said...

beautiful pic! throw a snowball at yourself for me!!! but don't put a rock in it cuz i would never do that!

laura said...

how FUN!! that picture is gorgeous kerry!! <3