Friday, March 05, 2010

It's there. Little bitty signs of Spring. I dropped off the boys at school the other day and thought it was interesting how the - what was feet of snow that had been pushed to the side of the road only a little over a week ago - was now a little reminder of *hopefully* a season past. March can go either way here. I remember three years ago when Mike was here before we moved and it had snowed in March. But little signs are showing.... like the nursery by my old house is open again and has flats of flowers and new potted trees everywhere again. The grass already has turned a bit brighter green and you can see some new growth. I'm patiently waiting to see the signs on the trees. Trees are smart. Seasons changing don't fool them....they know when it's time.

It's good to see blue sky again, and to start seeing people spending more time outside or walking slower across parking lots enjoying the sun. Which has been hiding for the past couple of weeks.

I'm shocked at how fast this past week has gone. First of all..... believe it or not it is the first full week of school that all three of the kids have had in their new schools. We had so many snow days, or doctor/dentist appointments or tummy aches that somebody was always missing a few days. What a funky milestone to finally have a full week.

You know when your blog has turned into nothing but talking about the weather that things are pretty dull. haha.

Happy weekend!

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