Wednesday, July 01, 2009

How I spent my summer. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Remember that movie Groundhog Day? Sometimes my days feel like that. Or it looks like I rarely do laundry. Because Matthew is one of those kids who has a daily routine.
Surprise... Reds hat, another Reds shirt (we had to have two to alternate with the other one.) and the familiar sounds of Star Wars coming from the little movie player. I can't tell you how many times I hear that theme song or the song that plays when Darth Vader shows up. You know the one. I do love the little pile of Lego people next to the movie player.
If life had a soundtrack this summer.... it is Star Wars. And the kid follows me around telling me about it. You know, how Luke is really Darth's son? But how Darth started out as Anakin Skywalker, or how Obi Wan Kenobi's name is really Ben? The boys are constantly playing with the Star Wars Legos. When did things get so Star Wars crazy around here? At least when daddy is home he does the best Chewbacca sound. If you want to get every body's attention just do that! Or do that little hand thing that Darth Vader does to choke people with the force.
Can it really BE 65 degrees on a summer day? I mean for real. I feel like I'm going to wake up. Last week I was complaining about being a little too hot. Thank you whoever sent this weather. Can we please have this for a few more weeks?
Another thing that has become so routine is what is actually going on right now. At noon on Wednesdays the tornado sirens go off for testing. As soon as I hear it start I just yell out of habit, "It's Wednesday Trevor!" Sure enough he comes down the stairs at the same time saying, "Is it Wednesday?" He hates those things. Everybody else ignores them. I just hope there's never a real tornado on a Wednesday at noon because I'll be upstairs doing life as normal.


Qwendykay said...

We are totally having a Star Wars Summer around here too. I just posted about the flipping Star Wars Legos. Those ships break constantly, and Mr. Boy can't figure out how to put it together. I don't mind the star wars phase, I'd rather play with light sabers than sit and stare at a stack of Pokemon cards, which I totally just don't get.

Unknown said...

Umm- how could he switch to the Reds and give up on the DBacks so quickly? :P

I don't blame him, actually...

Maddy said...

Matthew is always my view of Nate in just a few years. He already loves Star Wars and legos, I just refuse to buy any quite yet. As soon as Luke is old enough, Nate will be in Lego heaven.

Anonymous said...

Again, Matthew knows Cincy Reds are a professional Major League Team..and winners !
The AZ D-Butts are a Minor League team and a bunch of losers. They're losing games..and fans !

Go Matthew! Go Cincy Reds

Anonymous said...

Again, Matthew knows Cincy Reds are a professional Major League Team..and winners !
The AZ D-Butts are a Minor League team and a bunch of losers. They're losing games..and fans !

Go Matthew! Go Cincy Reds