Wednesday, December 23, 2009

There is not much cuter than finding smiling boxes waiting for you by the front door. Especially knowing there are presents in there that you didn't have to go to the store for. I can't even get into the debate about whether online shopping is hurting the local economy because Amazon has a warehouse in Hebron....not far from where I live. So I get the added bonus of knowing my purchases paid employees locally. Score!

No way. Is it really Christmas EVE eve? What year am I finally going to learn that I should wrap more presents in advace? I think I did last year, but this year I put it off and now the kids are home for winter break. Which also means they are staying up later and not always asleep even at midnight! I did it to myself. I have to find a way to be sneaky and get some started tonight.

I went to Walmart today. Usually a place I avoid at any time of year...but especially around Christmastime....I'm not sure what we were thinking. I had a couple of last minute filler things I needed to buy, and I have been to Target, Meijer and Toys R Us a million times only to find that they have nothing new. - and believe it or not... it was a successful trip into Walmart. Which made the crowd worth the trip. I have to give them props for that.

Is it me? Is it Kentucky? The economy? I don't remember it being like this in years past. It is like stores got toys and things in back in October and that was IT for the holiday season. There hasn't been any restocking. I can tell you from the million times I've been back to Target that the same Space Police Lego sets are still sitting in the same spot on the shelves. And for some reason, the aisle that used to be entirely ALL Legos has been cut to 1/3 for over a month....sharing shelf space with some weird baby dolls. So if the picking was slim before, it's even more so now.


I am done. Shopping is done. And that is all that matters. I think there will be some happy kids in our house in the next couple of days. Oh and there will be many more legos to step over, kits to put together, movies to watch and all that. :)


Lisa said...

i am done wrapping and shopping. it's a christmas miracle!

Maddy said...

Wish I were there to wrap them all for you! Miss you :(