Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Yeah, I've been a bad blogger. I don't know, why. Partly I haven't been feeling it lately, and partly because I have been using my laptop more and the photos are downloaded into my other computer. I wouldn't want to have to walk ALL THE WAY into another room to actually post from that computer now would I? ;)

Here I am on the laptop again though.... so no photos today. I will get better about that again. I promise. I don't know why I haven't even been feeling the blogging thing. I like it. I especially love when I go back a year or two and see what I was writing about then. That is what makes this so fun.

A lot of my normal things I haven't been feeling much of lately. Scrapping, blogging, etc. I can't put my finger on it. I noticed that a lot of other people have been this way lately too. Have you noticed the major scrap people (Tara, CZ?) have all blogged about how they don't enjoy it anymore? It freaks me out a bit I have to admit. Because I love both of them.

I know I'm not quitting. I still love the process, and read blogs and 2Peas to keep up with CHA and all of the new stuff coming out. I think I'm just --- tired.

So, I was telling Lisa a story about something that happened yesterday and it had me thinking. Serendipity, crossing paths, and how small this world really is.

Mike and I were walking to the park yesterday a couple of streets away from our house. A woman pulls up behind us and says, "Do you guys live around here?" It took me a second to realize who this person was. When she's not in her element at school I couldn't figure out why she looked so familiar. - It was Matthew's teacher.

Long story short, she lives in our neighborhood and... on our old street!! Only she lives across the road that goes through the subdivision. Not like it's a big road, but it separates the two different builders in here. She has small kids, and there is a park that is on this street.

How it took this long for us to figure this out is weird. We've both been in this neighborhood for 6 years now and we had to have crossed paths a million times and not known it. Hey, she even drives a volkswagen which I am SURE I have given the 'cool, I miss my volkswagen' nod to if she drove by me.

The world really is a small place. There are so many times that in my own life I know I have crossed paths with people that ended up being a big part of my life.

The biggest example is Mike. Yep... at my first job at Peter Piper Pizza I remember when he'd come in with a friend of his. He worked at the University Theater where they had to dress up in costumes for work. Mike and his friend wore black and white striped jailbird costumes. I remember them coming in to where I worked. One would come up and order the pizza, and the other would go play video games. (That would be mike) But wouldn't it have been something to see him and know what was going to be in the future? Doo doo doo dooo...

Then, to end up parking next to him on the first day of our senior year in high school. The first full year that Mike had started going to the high school that I had been going to. (He transferred from another school when his family moved to chandler.)

doo doo doo dooo....

There are so many more examples of times our lives crossed paths before we actually met each other. I mean, Phoenix is a pretty big area, so it isn't like I'm talking about a few square miles. The University Theater was in Tempe, miles away from where I worked. And still miles away from the high school where we ended up meeting. What was it about this paricular pizza place?

Even a group of friends. I can even apply it to them. Look, how many times did I probably stand next to Lisa, Maddy, Beth, Shanna, Michelle or Kaelene at Scrapbooks ETC before it took another entirely different event for us to meet. What if Maddy never said, "Hey come to Sonic with us for slushies!!" What if Lisa hadn't sit down right next to me (after both of us almost bailed for not wanting to go meet new people!) I must have looked like a crazy person carrying my pizza box of all of my scrap belongings (Oh those were the days before multiple carts! Haha!) back and forth across the parking lot. Should I go? No. Ok, I'll go. No. I can do this at home. No, I'll go... ugh... just go already.

Granted, that was a scrap related event, but still, two of those people weren't even there that night, (Beth made an appearance to take pictures) and after Maddy kidnapped me I didn't know if I'd ever be able to get in touch with Lisa again. (After finding out that we were long lost sisters after all.... who needs therapy when you have somebody else who has the same issues, right? Haha!)

I just find this whole thing facsinating really. You never know that somebody you see on any seemingly mundane day may end up being a part of your life later on. Sometimes it takes several times for paths to cross, but eventually we collide. - and you are glad that you did.


laura said...

i've noticed that about a lot of people sort of checking out of scrapping. i hope you aren't gone too long! :) i was at CHA this weekend, and it was definitely different from the last two years. not so many people or new product, and not much excitement. hmmm...

Kaelene said...

Kerry . . . I've missed you! And I am sooooooooooooo glad that our worlds have collided, because I don't want to think what mine would be like without you in it!

Maddy said...

Oh my gosh -- you blogged. I'm in shock. I've missed your blogging.

So glad I kidnapped you because I never would have run into you at SE, ha ha ha! Mainly because I couldn't drive and now I'm too lazy to hike all the way up there.

Unknown said...

Psst- you can email the photos to yourself and open them on the laptop. Or you can type the message on the laptop and add the photos later... ;)

Like you, I think we were parked next to each other more than once over by the airport, watching planes land and getting babies to nap... :)

Kerry said...

Leave it to Beth. My other tech support. I love you!

I forgot about our airport adventures. Especially when you said that you guys would be there at 4:00 ish when British Airways would land. Yep, I'm sure we were parked next to each other more than once.