Ah yes, I'd like to imagine a perfect Norman Rockwell holiday moment in my head when I originally buy the Paas coloring kit for Easter each year. And usually by the time we have finished coloring eggs and I get a chance to breathe a little, seeing them happily lined up back in the carton is a happy sight.
But sometimes my kids don't share my perfect vision. First, the OCD in me has a hard time when the dye starts flying. (Please no messes!! No spills!)
Then there are the inevitable screams of, "I called GREEN first!" like each egg is going to suck all of the color out of the glass and there will be no more GREEN left. *gasp!*
But then there is also the preparation that goes into this activity that ends up taking all of 15 minutes. Buy eggs and make sure you have a good carton with no broken ones, carefully get them home, boil water, forget the timer while they are on the stove until small child comes running in to say, "The eggs are on FIRE!" (They weren't, the water was boiling and popping the lid up while hissing and trying to put out the gas fire. Man, I really hate cooking.) Rinse eggs, watch color pellets dissolve in vinegar (my favorite part!) Measure water, drop in eggs. Wait.
Trevor even asked me, "So.... why do we color the eggs if we're just going to peel them soon so we can make deviled eggs for tomorrow?"
Good point there T. I don't know. Because it is FUN! Right? Aren't we all about having FUN?
I think we did. We have all stopped to admire their work every now and then. Besides, it gives me something to blog about. ;)
Happy Easter!
dude - you are so much nicer that i am... i am dying our eggs tonight now that the kids are in bed. ;)
happy easter - your eggs are lovely! :) xo
UGH! I hate dying eggs. IN fact. . . my kids have never died eggs. SHH!
I'm with T on this one. :D
oh i love to die eggs. so fun. we just did ours today. kids hands are multi-colored, dye on the table, some freaky colored egg combos. and then the hunting. everyone crying and counting who got more eggs. yes, the dyeing is way more fun! especially wearing a white shirt--tee hee.
LISA. STOP. I'm hyperventilating!!!
I love the fun of the dying . . . it's great to watch the kids get creative with the colors! Then, there is the whole "NO, I want to use the crayon!" battle!
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