Monday, October 22, 2007


I'm a little ticked.

Today I went to Target. I went towards the back in the hope that I might find some little halloween thing I couldn't live without. (A habit I keep up until after Halloween and there is no more sign of any black or orange.) On my way back I noticed that the little endcaps throughout the store that would have the Halloween type linens like place mats and table runners were gone.

Then I see that the cups and things in the kitchen areas were gone.

Replaced with - get this - CHRISTMAS stuff!

Where did the Halloween linen stuff and kitchen stuff go to??????

They just threw it all willy nilly in the Halloween section in the back! (Which already shares with the stupid pre lit moving reindeer, seal and moose.) The poor stacks of stuff didn't even have a dignified shelf tag.

They are moving out my Halloween stuff and getting it ready for clearance BEFORE it is even Halloween!! Can't I have my moment here people? I mean I've been waiting for this all year long and now it's bad enough I have to share it with Christmas, but to take it away from the other areas of the store???? To cast aside the cute little 99 cent Halloween scrubby sponges like they don't have any worth?!?!?

This rates right up there with the whole CK/KC HOF scandal. I would almost say boycott Target, but they know they have me wrapped right around Bullseye the dog's little paw finger.

.... and speaking of Target ....

"Matthew, where would you like to go for your birthday dinner?"

"Target. They have good popcorn."

I love that kid.


Michelle said...

hahahahahaaa you kill me

Maddy said...

I happened t go to target today and believe it or not, I said the same thing! I can't believe it. I saw the ornaments going up and I jsut about died. Of course, I'm sure to go back tomorrow to see if there are any amazing ornaments that I can't live without. I love Halloween, but I'm not giving up christmas.

Kerry said...

I'm calling you out for a holiday war Maddy.

Yo Halloween. Rocks.

Although I think you might have Jesus on your side. ;) You know, being His birthday and all.

Why can't Christmas just have cute jack o lanterns????? And smiley bats and ghosts? Along with a nativity scene?

Qwendykay said...

Ooooo I'm a Christmas whore.
LOVE IT! Get giddy when I see the decorations...

Also... stupid flipping surgery has kept me out of Target for wayyy too long. They even sent me a little card. Ok.. well.. maybe it was a $10 off coupon. But I know it was a little "we miss you" momento.

Lisa said...

i can't even tell you how much that annoys me. ug. let us have our freakin' holiday!! i can't even stand the thought of christmas decorations right now. i have to go take a valium just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I love Target popcorn. I alwasys swear they are gonna kick me out of the store because I leave a little trail like Hansel and Gretel.
It's Christmas at Costco too. I was surprised so much Halloween stuff is clearanced out already around here. I'm used to getting it and saving it til next year, but now, it just goes right up!

Anonymous said...

I *heart* christmas :)

Unknown said...

Your store is whack- but I've told you that before. We still have all the Halloween stuff in the right places at mine. We also have Christmas, but at least it's in the back for now. ;)