Saturday, December 01, 2007

weekend update

I haven't blogged in awhile, so I figured I should least with something.

Not much going on here. We're just all keeping busy with school, getting ready for Christmas and all that stuff.

This is from this morning when Matthew went in to see if Trevor was awake yet. T slept in. We all pretty much did since it had been raining all night. What is it about rain that makes you sleep so sound?

No wonder my kids call me momarazzi. You can't even wake up in this house without mom getting your picture. ;)

Today (since it is raining) we stayed inside and put up all of our Christmas decorations. The kids were like vultures as I was pulling the boxes out from under the stairs. I was bent over, hot and the light isn't far enough back where you can actually SEE anything in there. But I kept hearing, "What's in that one!?! What's in THIS one?!?"

I know why my mom used to do the majority of the work before I came home from school. That was back in the days of an artificial tree that had to have each branch put in its color coded hole in the stick of the tree, then stringing lights in it. Can I say how incredibly grateful I am for pre-lit trees?

It took all of 20 minutes to get the tree out of the box and up. Then I came in to read the news on the computer while I let the kids have it with the ornaments. That isn't something that should be done first thing in the morning. They all have to see who can put on the MOST ornaments. Why does everything have to be a competition?!?!?

So our house is looking very festive and merry. :)


Anonymous said...

glad you are being festive!!! great pic! i love your boys room! where did you get the bed??

Anonymous said...

As if *that* isn't staged? Should we start a FREE MATTHEW campaign ;D

I love the picture! So sweet.

Kerry said...

Nope. I swear! I'm obnoxious when I wake up before one of the kids on a weekend. I like to get them back for all of the times they wake me up and bug me while I'm sleeping! I have a little series from when the flash went off and Matthew yelled BOO! TIME TO WAKE UP BIG OL' BEAR!!!!

You can free him anyway. You want Matthew?!?!?



Qwendykay said...


I love the Momarazzi, and also this year I gave thanks for the pre-lit tree.

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