Wednesday, April 09, 2008

U2 and the real answer to peace on earth.

A little random U2 photo for me and Kaelene. ;)

And speaking of funky things Trevor has said... I was telling a friend today via email about something that we are both struggling with. I was trying to explain how one nice thing about getting older is realizing that you start to like yourself better, and learn more about who you are. We're both pretty big people pleasers, which is pretty much like running on a hamster wheel. No matter how fast you keep going, you still end up in the same place. You just end up out of breath.

So I was telling her about a little quote we use around our house a lot that pretty much translates into: "Whatever makes YOU happy." People pleasing is tiring. And doesn't always work.

A couple of years ago Matthew and Trevor were watching a bug crawl on a rock. Matthew being the typical boy wanted to lift up his foot and squash it. For no reason other than him just being a boy. (Ok, and I admit to some bug torture when I was a kid too. I coudn't read, I had NO toys and I walked uphill in the snow to school both ways...ok, maybe that is a little dramatic and untrue, but who hasn't smushed at least one bug in their life? I own it.)

So back to the rock.

Matthew is about to lift his foot up and says, "I want to squash it!!"

Trevor,"No don't squash him, he's just doing his buggay thang."

It's a good life theory huh? ;) There'd be peace in the world if we all just did our buggay thang.

So there you go people. Just keep on keeping on and doin' your buggay thang. It will keep you happy. I swear.


Maddy said...

Sorry I couldn't read your post because you started off saying you were e-mailing a friend. . . I havent' gotten a Kerry e-mail in Foreeever!

Kerry said...

Um, your freaking gmail or hotmail HATES ME! I have sent some!!! I was even joking about it in the last email I sent.

Kerry said...

Or does it help that the friend was really/technically Mike's cousin? There... it was family. ;)

Hi Aspen!

Nobody emails me anymore! Nobody looooves me!! It's a cruel world!!

Kaelene said...

We're all just doing our "buggay thing" and sometimes that means NO TIME for personal email! Sorry . . . family in town, too much work and NOT enough time to enjoy my "buggay thing" that makes me happy . . . ie scrapping!!
But, on the 19th, we can all be happy making Lisa a chunk o change, doin' her "buggay thing"

Anonymous said...

great post! You can't make people happy. Happiness is a choice!


laura said...

that is so cute.

i might not have emailed you, but i have been thinking about you a lot lately. *I* love you!! :)

Anonymous said...

WORD Sista!!!