Friday, March 06, 2009

friday night.

Ugggghhhh.... Insomnia sucks. I had it again last night and couldn't fall asleep until after 3:00. I even took a little nap earlier today, but it's hitting me really hard right now. I'm ready for bed, but I have to wait until I pick up Megan from school. She wanted to watch the talent show tonight. I wish I could have just given her the keys to my car. ;)

Which my sleepiness makes me wonder if I like this layout or not. I had so much more in mind for my journaling, but this is pretty much all I could muster tonight. This girl and her reading lately has been amazing. She puts me to shame. She finishes books bigger than mine in two nights. Me? I fall asleep reading a one page article in a magazine. She has the second highest points in the entire 5th grade for AR.... and she just keeps going. We are literally at the library a couple of times a week right now.

Happy weekend. Yawn... I'm out.


Lisa said...

beautiful layout. i love it! megan is too grown up!

Maddy said...

It's beautiful. You love it. Don't touch it.

Kaelene said...

I ♥ it, too! Megan is getting so big . . . enjoy the moments (that you can stay awake for!) ha ha ha