Thursday, June 22, 2006

Next mother's day, ask for these

Mike got some fancy shmancy headphones for his birthday. Some sort of pilot ones. He was showing me how they worked when we were standing out in the garage with my car engine on. I guess I would say they are like the Bose ones that a lot of frequent flyer people have, but this is like the super duper pilot version. (Like my technical talk?) It pretty much cuts out the engine noise, so if you were flying a plane you could hear other people talking to you through the headphones and microphones, but not the loud plane noise.

OK, so after a long day of hearing, "Mooooom....he hit me. Mooooooom I'm hungry. Moooooom we are out of toilet paper in the bathroom again....." you know the usual.

I try on these headphones, flip the little switch on them and the noise is gone. Mute. Quiet. Niiiiice.

I could see if my kids were fighting, but I don't have to listen to it. I'm just there in my own little quiet world.

So why don't they market these in the parent magazines??????????


Megan had some sort of huge growth spurt this past month. I just had bought her a few pair of shorts last month, and after trying on clothes in her room today, NONE of them fit. We have ONE denim skirt that fits perfectly right now, and I remember it was big when I bought it. Yikes. These kids grow too fast.

So we were out shopping tonight for some shorts. Fun stuff. I had so much fun with Megan. She is so fun right now, trying to be trendy, but not really knowing too much about it.

One of our stops was at Target. (surprised??) On our way back out to the car there was a bra on the ground. How does something like that happen?? I dont' think it was new. It was newer looking than mine...but that doesn't say too much. LOL. This was missing its tags if it was just purchased and fell out of a bag.

I don't know why, but I said, "Oh no somebody lost their bra." Megan started laughing so hard she was actually snorting. I love when kids think that undergarment humor is funny. She laughed about that bra all the way home, and it was the first thing she told mike when we got in the house.

So tonight she is in bed and I am talking to her. She hugs me and tells me that she had so much fun with me tonight. That she is lucky to have me as a mom. I actually think that *I* am the lucky one to have her as my little girl. It is times like this that I just love. I was telling my mom not too long ago that as moms you try to come up with all of these great things like trips to Disneyland in hopes of making some fun memories with your kids. But sometimes the little things that you don't even realize are a big deal end up being what you remember years from now.

Like my mom and I eating rice krispy treats right out of the pot one day. I remember we giggled and ate the whole thing. I mean the marshmallow was still HOT. But I doubt she knew at that moment, that THAT would be something I'll always remember about her for the rest of my life.

I know, for me anyway, that tonight will be one of those nights that I'll always remember spending with Megan. It was awesome.

Off to bed! Night night!


JAFP said...
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JAFP said...

I'm trying the new headset this morning! Can't wait.

I'm glad you and Megan had such a great time last night. Those kinds of times are special and important.

Megan was so lit up last night, I couldn't believe it.

Michelle said...

DUDE, those headsets only work on men. It's build in their genes or something. It's the man equivalent to the dog whistle. We are cursed to always hear those damn words... "mommy mommy mommy"

What do mean even need a headset for anyway? Aren't they capable of tuning out the 'background noise' anyway? I know my man can. And my dad can. Hell, my son has already mastered the technique! :) hahahaha ;)


can't wait to see the page you do with your everyday memories journaling. I know that's been on your mind lately, those thoughts, the page you do to match up with them is going to be amazing!

Maddy said...

part 1. I need some and I need them now. IN fact can I get a pair for every person who will have to listen to my children on the flight?

part 2. AWWWWWWWW! I almost cried! I love that.

Anonymous said... that story about you and megan!

Unknown said...

Sean has the Bose headphones for normal people, er, non-pilots. ;) He loves them and can't hear a thing outside of his music. I tried them on our last drive to California, and, like Michelle said, couldn't tune out the kids no matter how much I turned up the volume. Bah.

LOL at the bra story.

Sniff sniff at the Megan story. :)