Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's a sign of the times

Remember back in the 80's when people had cassettes? You don't see it as often anymore since CD's and MP3 players in people's cars, but while I was at a light today I saw it. Flapping in the breeze like a big chunk of brown tinsel was unrolled cassette tape. It just made me realize that with the invent of CD's, the planet is actually cleaner! ;)

Also, with some weird things that have come out of my children's mouths lately remind me of how many things have changed. It's all for the good, because really don't we want things to be easier for the next generations? Unfortunately it just reminds me of what a dinosaur I probably seem to my kids.

After some backseat driving from Megan one day, I asked her out of frustration, "Would YOU like to drive????"

"No mom. I can't drive because I don't even know how to turn on the map. How will I be able to drive anywhere without our british girl telling me when it is time to turn?" Gosh. (She's talking about the navigation system in my car. Which will probably be standard when she gets her first car. No getting lost to find your way home, which is nice to know.) Especially if you are the type to leave a crop in the middle of the night from Mesa and you turn left on Gilbert road thinking you are heading south and don't realize you are going the wrong way until you are on the indian reservation thinking, "Where the hell am I???"

Trevor: "I can't watch TV because the remote needs new batteries." So while I'm putting new batteries in, I tell him about how I used to have to *gasp* turn on the tv, wait for it to warm up, adjust the rabbit ears or slide that clicky thing on the box on top of the tv if you were lucky enough to have cable. Then, if you wanted to turn the channel you had to get up to change it. The horror. I kid you not, I had him stumped. He stared at me with his mouth wide open.

Last after finding some of my old U2 albums, Trevor asked me what in the heck those big black round things were. Albums. Then he asked, "WOW! What size was your CD player?!?!?"

So I guess the torch is passed. I am officially sounding like the parent who had to walk to school uphill both ways. In the snow. (Even though I've always lived in Phoenix.)


Lisa said...

that is so funny! i was just thinking the other day of how our children will never know the joy of making a cassette tape with our favorite songs on it when they have the blessing of itunes!

and i so miss my albums!!

Anonymous said...

I still love cassettes. It was actually fun to make "mix" tapes! I miss making them for you.

sue @ postcards from paradise falls said...

it's amazing, isn't it?