Friday, September 28, 2007

The proof is in the poo. Motherhood rocks.

How did I make it through two other children without swallowing a single foreign object or stuffing something up their nose?

Leave it to matthew.

He swallowed a penny tonight. So after a few calls, at least I'm not in panic mode anymore.

Everybody pretty much told me the same thing. Keep an eye on him to make sure that he doesn't choke. (It should be past his esophagus now.) and - get this - collect poo for the weekend.

No. Way.

Yep, all of those extra produce bags from the store and I are going to become friends this weekend, since I have to 'collect bowel movements' and try to feel for a penny. Gag. I hope I get that Volkswagen bug that I've been wanting for Mother's Day next year. ;)

He was crying so hard until I told him that he had to poop the penny out, then he just started laughing. You have to love boys. Trevor even asked me if he did get it out if I was going to put it in the scrapbook. I don't think so. Some things don't need to be put in there buddy.

Even though this sounds totally awful, I am at least hoping to find 'the object' because the next step is going to the doctor for an xray.

Motherhood. What can you say?


jen paddack-hyde said...

my friend's almost two year old swallowed a button a couple of weeks ago...she was on poo patrol too...LOL. Luckily she's still in a diaper was easier:P

Maddy said...

Wow -- you have to try and find it? That is just one step too far! Good luck -- gag gag, choke. . .vomit.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, I think I'd have to just let that one go.
Find that penny for what reason? Exactly? I don't get it.

It's still a penny that went through his little system, and now it's out.

This too, shall pass. Snort.