Sunday, May 28, 2006


Happy Sunday. Finally a super quiet one around here. I just got all of the stuff done that I have been wanting to accomplish. Including cleaning up my scrap area. I have been scrapping a lot lately, but not cleaning up afterwards. It is a pretty bad habit that I have. ;)

Finally some time to sit down on the computer. Although not much going on anywhere. I haven't been to 2Peas in awhile since life just got busy, but I noticed some of the new changes tonight. It will take some time to get used to I suppose. I noticed that the gallery was very small tonight. (Around 11 pages!) I hope it is just because it is a holiday weekend. But I did see a page by Lisa in there!

Off to go finish watching the Suns game with my kids. For some reason they are really into watching the playoffs this season. Ha, maybe it is the popcorn and a reason to eat it on the couch.

Hopefully tomorrow will be more exciting. ;)


Anonymous said...

Hey Kerry,
Want to come clean up my scrap area next? I had that on my to do list the first week of May and it still isn't done.

Sounds like a nice quiet, relaxing day for you guys.

mimiscraps said...

We won't talk about the Suns game!
That was a bummer! I hope hope hope they pull it off.
Check out the NSBR you'll find out why the gallery is empty.
Hope all else is good with ya.

Kim said...

ya that game was an unusual one for the suns. we didn't score very high tonight. they will pull it out though!!! and great thing to do as a family kerry!!!

Lisa said...

glad you had a nice relaxing day! I hear ya on the scrapping and cleaning. mine is a mess. but i got a ton of layouts done! I think cleaning comes after the scrap burnout!! :)

Anonymous said...

They will pull it out! THEY HAVE TO!!!!

Unknown said...

What's this thing call scrapping? I know not of what you speak... ;)

Must. Scrap. Soon. Sick. of. TV...