Monday, June 04, 2007

It is hot. I'm already whining, but I have a good reason, I promise!

It is 100 degrees.




Upstairs. The a/c went out. This really stinks. I am very grateful for the fact that we have 2 units, so it looks like we'll be having a campout downstairs tonight. The kids are excited. They seem to think it is some sort of adventure.

I'm also glad that our couches are huge. Because THAT is where I'm sleeping tonight.


Qwendykay said...

Oh man!! Kerry... that is NOT good! You've had enough drama. When Mike is better... I have a Kidney story for you!

Michelle said...

BUMMER about the A/C! It SUCKS to have a hot house. I remember when ours went out while we were on vacation. Well it tripped off for some reason, so were were able to get it back on right away but everythign was just 'soaked' with heat it too - and I kid you not - a DAY AND A HALF - for it to cool back down.

Hopefully you'll be able to get it fixed quickly!

Kerry said...

LOL! Yeah, when I brought pillows down for everybody to sleep with, I swear they were radiating heat for about an hour. It felt horrible!

I'm trying to be good and not gripe too much, since we still have downstairs.... but it feels dead upstairs. yuck. :p

Maddy said...

OH MY YUCK! Are you freaking kidding me? I can't even imagine. I hope it's fixed soon!!!!

Qwendykay said...

oh.. and also... I posted a pic on my blog in honor of your super power nap! Sending good thoughts your way!

Lisa said...

hey--the high here tomorrow is supposed to be 73! see--i can be mean too!! ha ha