Tuesday, June 12, 2007

they do swim!

I just have to preface this by saying how much I used to dread taking my boys near a pool since neither could swim. Trevor, being 6 years old screams like a fire truck if you let go of him or he isn't near the steps. Matthew, always liked to put his head under the water, but never ventured away from the steps either.

I even took them for swimming lessons last year where I spent lots of money, lots of time, and the only thing they both learned how to do was blow bubbles. I was a bit miffed. I just figured if we made it through this summer, they would have to learn next year when we have our own pool.

Today we had a pool party for the activity day girls. Mike wasn't home to watch the boys, so they had to go with me. I was nervous about this. Not only did I have to help lifeguard for several girls, but I had to make sure my boys stayed on top of floaties in the shallow end.

I don't know what got into either of them... but today... they SWAM! Both of them! Like little fish! Well, Matthew looks more like a little frog with his legs, but it is swimming non the less! Trevor even swam across the pool. I am SO proud of both of them. And like a horrible scrapper, I decided to keep my camera at home today since I was afraid there was too many opportunities for it to get broken. Grr.

This is a BIG thing. Huge!


Unknown said...

That is a huge thing! Yay! Life will be sooooo much easier for you now in the summertime! And the best thing? You don't have to get in the pool if you don't want to! ;)

Jamie said...

Are you working w/ the Activity Girls now? That was my favorite calling ever.

How exciting that they are being more adventurous in the pool now. You will all enjoy swimming so much more now.

Michelle said...

woo hoo!!!!

That's great. You really will enjoy the pool so much more, just like Beth said. :)

Maddy said...

Awwww! How exciting. And now I'm jealous. I still have to carry the younger two in the pool. Sadie doesn't mind the splashing luckily!

Anonymous said...

That is FANTASTIC! It always makes going to the pool easier. TAKE CARE! Tammi

Anonymous said...

YAY! What a great thing! AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't learn to swim until I was in high school. I'm not kidding. My best friend Gloria and I decided we must learn to swim, living in Seattle and all this water, we were the ONLY ones who couldn't swim. So we took lessons from a local lady with a pool. Us and about 5 little kids. It was hilarious. But we learned to swim. I'm glad your boys are saved the embarassment of learning to swim. This is also in part why I think I've spent a grand total of about $5,000 having Chelsea take swim lessons when she was little. I may be exaggerating. But only a little. And she swims. Unlike my loser self!