Monday, January 14, 2008

on an even keel

What does the Queen Mary have to do with this post? Well, for one, Mike and I love the old liners, (hence the QM travel poster in my living room and other liners around the house) but I couldn't find a picture when the ship was being built. Because my theme of the day is finally feeling like I'm on an even keel.

Can you ever actually feel when the pendulum has swung back to where everything feels just right? I try to be positive about a lot of things in my life, I admit I wasn't always like that. In fact I used to be quite the pessimist. But children, and getting older changed that. Now I try to not take anything for granted, and to sound all life artist-ish and the queen of self aware, to find the joy in the little everyday things. It has made me a better person.

One of my favorite quotes is:

"The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions, and not on our circumstances." - Martha Washington

This has been a poignant quote this past week as I have removed myself from a situation that I knew was toxic and all I heard was how bad everything in one person's (name withheld) life seemed to be all the time. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. The fact is, everybody has problems, just some people don't air it all. I think that comes with maturity. Let's just say that like Oprah said about loving her 40s, I love the mid to late 30s because so many life things make more sense. It's like the light bulb starts to glow brighter, and it makes me almost look forward to my 40s and above as I'm sure you become more comfortable with yourself and realize what truly is important. You realize the difference between an acquaintance and true friends. That you get what you give in a relationship. With anybody. You can't just take, take, take. And the best - finally understanding that you can't make everybody like you. The people who love you, love you unconditionally.

I'm really not trying to be all cheesy, but this has been a totally reflective week. Burdens that I had last week are gone, and since then I have felt like a totally new person....and happy. I mean truly happy. The best is when Mike and I went out for lunch last week and I felt like a different person, like I was walking on air. Topped with a great night at the end of the week with some close friends.

I'm sure that the pendulum will swing back and more things will come up that will be less than ideal. That's life and I expect it, but the hard parts that we have been through are the things that have made me who I am and made me appreciate what I have. There were times I was a real bitch when things were bad, and I admit I never thought I'd make it through it, but looking back I'm glad for the experience.

Honestly, I am the luckiest person on earth. - and right now enjoying being on an even keel. :)


Unknown said...

I'm so happy that you're happy! It showed Friday night and was a relief to see. :)

Unknown said...

Oh- and thanks for sharing the 'items' from (name withheld) with us. ;)

Lisa said...

i have heard that the 40's are great!!! not that i know--just from others. LOL

Maddy said...

See, this is why I love hanging out with you old ladies. ;p Your wisdom has rubbed off on me!

Ack -- only 2 more years in the 2o's

Qwendykay said...

It's me.. isn't it.. I'm "name withheld"

(Can you tell I'm a self-absorbed, paranoid, early-thirties person?)

Kerry, I'm sooo glad for you that things are better! I've been worried about you!!

Anonymous said...

good for you!

I also made the break last week from a very toxic person too - and it feels wonderful.

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! I love your outlook and your humor, and just who you are, especially to those of us who do love you!
Keep on even keeling! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm all for even keel! My pendulum is swinging right now too, and I always remind myself that as far left as it swings, it swings that far right. It takes time to settle down in the middle.

Glad your "situation" is coming to a close. Sounds like it was giving you much heartache and you don't need that. You are far too kind and caring a person to be saddled with something you can make better. I admire you for having your priorities straight. Sounds weird, but it's hard sometimes!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I heard 50 is the new 40. Please tell me it is. Please.

Anonymous said...

Kerry. I love you. But you already knew that. Thanks for sharing yourself. So glad to hear this from you. I LOVE that quote. It's pretty much my mantra.

And Mo....

"Oh, and I heard 50 is the new 40. Please tell me it is. Please."

Can I have some of what you're smokin? You totally made me snort DP thru my nose.
