Monday, January 07, 2008

technology is good.


That is one good sight...right there.

I never knew how much flight aware would become a daily part of my life. It's great having a GPS system to track the DH. Whether he's working or coming home. ;)

I took a picture yesterday for my photo of the day thingie, but haven't posted it yet. I want to find out a way to put it in a slideshow, so I don't have to have the photo as part of a daily post. Hopefully that makes sense. "Tech support" should be rested enough tomorrow morning to see if he can fix that for me. ;)


Lisa said...

techonology is good--when you know how to use it! LOL

i love your picture a day! i need to do that as well!!

Qwendykay said...

I LOVE flight tracker!! Since I'm designated airporter picker upper amoung my friends (because I never go anywhere) it's fabulous!!

Unknown said...

I love that site too!