Monday, December 18, 2006


Trevor stayed home today. He was up coughing all night, and he looked like crap when he woke up. So I told him that he was staying home. Of course a few hours later he is fine and running around the house. So I decided to take both boys with me to do some errands. With a baby shower at my house tomorrow night, and Christmas this weekend, I couldn't waste a day. Whether I am feeling well or not. The way I have been taking it, you would think that airborne is candy. Plus Mike was nice enough to let me sleep in today to get some rest, so I'm sure that helped.

One errand was the Hallmark store. Holy cow, with two boys all I kept saying was, "DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!" I thankfully made it out of there after a small panic attack and I'm sure a few extra gray hairs.

Then to Target. I know I forgot some things that I needed. I even had a list. But they each ask questions every 30 dang seconds and my train of thought is GONE. I criss crossed the store about a dozen times remembering things that I needed. Ugh. I'm not so sure it was worth trying to take them because I'm pretty sure that I have to go back tonight.

*sigh* Little boys. We were walking back out to the car and I was watching them walk together in front of me pushing the cart. They were pretty cute watching them jump over every crack in the pavement. Remind me that someday I will miss having them go to target with me.

Speaking of missing, I miss scrapping. I don't think I have done anything in a month now! At least it feels like it. I want to so bad, I even wanted to try doing one of those Christmas in the hell do normal people have time to do that everyday plus the stuff that you have to do to prepare for Christmas anyway?? Psychos. They have to be. (sorry Jen, but you are amazing me right now with yours!) Maybe I'll do an after Christmas journal. With wads of wrapping paper.

That is pretty much the only update from here lately. I'm still pretty happy after Survivor last night. Next season looks pretty dang good too! I just love this show. It could also be that Jeff Probst reminds me of Bono sometimes when he is wearing the sunglasses. That gives me the warm fuzzies. Who knows. It is a cool show. I have to say that I would have been happy either way of who won. I was wanting Yul, but I think Ozzy was awesome in the game too. I think this is the first season in a long time that I wouldn't have been disappointed either way. (I still think Terry the pilot was ROBBED last season.) I'm still a bit bitter about that. Heck, I can't even remember who won at this point! That is how bitter I still am.

Happy last week before Christmas!


Lisa said...

well here's hoping you get some scrapping time soon!

Anonymous said...

yep - jack did the coughing-all-night-and-staying-home-from-school-causing-mom-to-lose-a-day-of-christmas-preparation thing, too! :) i feel your pain!

scrapping is definitely on hold here, too. in the new year, we'll get tons done!

miss you! good luck with the baby shower! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not doing so well on the journal...days behind. The ONLY time I have is at 4:00am in the morning to work on it...and here I am reading blogs...:D

Kim said...

funny that you mention christmas journals kerry! i actually signed up for the same thing! your right we are crazy. i'm not staying caught up with mine either. still having fun though!

hope your feeling better and miss seeing you!

Anonymous said...

feel better chickie!!!