Friday, July 13, 2007

some mixed emotions.

We went and looked at a couple of possible schools for Matthew today. He's excited, and I am a little freaked out and a little bit elated that he'll be going to school. Full day. Apparently nobody does half day kindergarten anymore.

Because of his birthday, I thought I'd have this year for him to go to half day kindergarten at a charter school and then if needed, repeat kindergarten full day when he's old enough to go to the school that Megan and Trevor go to.

My house will be SO clean! My scrapping, my errands, everything will be by myself!!!! How weird! I feel like I'm about to cross over this bridge to "all kids in schooldom" like it is some sort of secret society that other moms know about but aren't allowed to talk to you about until you get there. Like I need to learn a secret handshake or something when I go to Target without a child during school hours.

It feels SO WEIRD I suppose because for so long now I have been the 'baby mom.' You know, when one gets old enough you have another. There was a baby in the house for so long and that was my job. Now we're done having babies, and knowing that there WILL be days without a tiny one here with me seems strange.

I know I'll still be needed at school in the classrooms, and for days when somebody gets sick, but it just feels so .... odd.

Now, I'm going to miss all of them when school starts. I do like having them here at home during the summer but today was the last straw of the bickering. Today was a knock down drag out over a Pokemon card. It wasn't pretty, and I know despite all of the things we have been doing to keep us busy that they are probably just ready for a change of scenery and school structure.

All I know is that first day of school this year, I'll be sad when all three are off for the day. I'll be thinking of them and hoping that they are all making new friends, seeing old ones and having a good day... and then I'll be off to the mall. For a little retail present to myself for making it this far. For sending my little ducks out into the world! ;)


Michelle said...

aaahhhh!!!! I'm jealous, I'll admit, that I won't ever know that secret handshake....stupid job. :)

Maddy said...

Jealous here too. I know you paid your dues, but I'm still SUPER jealous. UBER jealous!

sue @ postcards from paradise falls said...

awww kerry! my friend will be going through the same thing in september. i think it's probably harder on the mommies than it is on the kidlets!

jen paddack-hyde said...

wish I could run off to the mall for some retail therapy after taking Alex to school...crappy job! LOL...just kidding. I am dealing with the fact that mine told me last week she doesn't even want me to walk her in...just drop her in front of the school!! WHA! Guess I'll have to take pictures later that day:P

Anonymous said...

Kerry! I am feeling the same way this year! Only I still can't leave the house when my girls are all in school. Oh well. When we get to Mississippi that will change.

laura said...

yay mom - it is going to be awesome! i get 2 days a week to myself this year - and i could NOT be happier! ;)