Sunday, August 26, 2007

making the world a better place - one day at a time.

Trevor. He’s such a funky little thing. He’s my rule boy. If he gets in trouble, he punishes himself more than a parent ever could. Someday he’s going to grow up to be a hall monitor.

We’ve had the talk about smoking and drugs, and he promises me he’s never going to do that bad stuff. We’ve been places where he’ll see somebody smoking outside of a restaurant and he’ll say with such a serious tone, “Oh mommy. That person is going to die. Cigarettes are so bad for you.” (Which in a way is funny because I have seen some people actually squish their cigarettes out when they hear him say this.) embarrassing yes, but we’ve also had the talk about pointing and talking to loud too. If he’s going to listen to one of my talks, I’m glad it’s the one about him not doing those bad things. ;)

So today I stop by McDonalds to get a soda. He’s in the front seat (the airbag turned off – for safety reasons of course!) and he says to me:

“Mommy, you shouldn’t drink and drive. That is what made Lindsay Lohan get in a lot of trouble.”

I should mention he’s loved her since the Parent Trap, so it isn’t like he’s surfing TMZ to find out the latest, but when her name has come up on the news he has to know what is going on!


JAFP said...

I miss my T. He's such a good boy!

laura said...

awww - that's so cute in a 21st century way! LOL! what a good little guy!

Unknown said...

That's funny!

Qwendykay said...

That is a Riot!!

Michelle said...

awwww cute.

Noah gets on my for chewing ice.. "Mommy, that's bad for your teeth" yah yah it :)

And I've loved her since parent trap too. Tell T he's got a fellow fan!

Lisa said...

ok--that is freaking hilarious!

Maddy said...

He's the cutest!

Anonymous said...

What a great kid -- looking out for his mom!
I think Lindsay is great too!

sue @ postcards from paradise falls said...

oh how cute! i too love lindsay lohan and hope hope hope she can straighten things out. so sad.