Piper fogging up the window from the deck. I don't think she's used to ever having this much room to run. She is constantly running, and constantly has her tongue out. That fence you can see in the photo is part of the neighbor's fence, which is the only fence around. (It's a dog run to keep thier dog contained.) Otherwise, there are no fences in between the houses. Piper will run all the way down the hill and back. Dog heaven. The other day after it rained there was a huge puddle that she ran right too and happily pranced around in it. We're going to find the lake this week. Even my frogs love it here. They got a new aquarium after moving in. Who is a cute froggie woggie?!? Yes you are.
(Lisa, click on the photo to make it larger. Come on, I know you want to. You know you love my frogs. He's totally cuter enlarged!)
The boys on the deck. We have told a few new people that we have met how we aren't used to the open backyard thing. The yards are big, but still... no fences. So you feel like you have your own space and privacy, but you wave and go about your business. When we've told people that Arizona has 8 foot cinder block fences between the yards they look at us like we have two heads.more later. :)
The house is BEAUTIFUL!! Wow!! Kerry, I'm SOOOO excited for you, and proud of you!
Ok.. the no fences thing is TRIPPING me out. So.. when you let the dog out... he just runs and roams free? Do you have to keep him inside when you leave? This is all very bizarre, and how do you know which lawn to mow in the backyard?
LOL Wendy! Yeah, I had a million questions about it too. People at least mow their lawns on different days so far, so you can tell who's square is whos. I guess if you wanted to 'add' a little to your property, you could mow a few inches over each week into your neighbors yard. haha!
We stand outside with the dogs, so far they know kind of where to stop. I guess most people use those underground fencing things where the dogs wear a collar that shocks them if they go over their property line. A couple of dogs are on lines tied up. There are a bunch of dogs, but so far no problems.
I felt like people would be walking around my backyard in the middle of the night, (to kill me in my sleep or something!) but so far I'm the insomniac who is up the latest.
You can build a fence if you want to, but it looks like the people who have make sure to have some sort of low view fencing. But then they look like they are unfriendly if they put up a fence. It's so weird!!!
Then again, it was weird for my parents to move us out to cinder block walls when I was a kid.
Wendy, I owe you an email or something anyway. I really appreciate the sympathy card you sent awhile ago! You are so sweet!
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