Wednesday, January 14, 2009

keep your fingers crossed!

Might as well post this layout from our last snow day, because we are crossing our fingers for another one tomorrow.

The kids were all so upset yesterday that school wasn't cancelled. The day before they were intent on watching the news to see the weather because the buzz around school was about this huge storm that is on the way. Apparently my kids are a bit superstitious like me and wanted to try out all the things they were told to do in order to make sure school would be closed the next morning.

a.) wear your jammies inside out when you go to sleep. - from Megan.
b.) stare at something white before you close your eyes to go to sleep. - from Trevor
c.) sleep with a spoon under your pillow. - from Matthew.

Seriously, they each came home with one of these 'sure to make it happen' stories from somewhere in school. Plus with the weather report on the news, they were sure there was going to be a school closing for them. No such luck the next morning. And boy were they mad.

Not even ice on the road, which usually is the real reason for the school to close around here.

BUT... another storm is on the way and this one promises something. At least freezing cold, close to zero temperatures (I know you AZ girls are laughing! STOP IT. I can hear you.)

Keep fingers crossed... hopefully tomorrow we'll all be home!


m = michelle said...

Oh you know us too well. And remember, snow days are only cool right now. they SUCK when you have to make them up at the end of the year - when it's perfect outside :)

Lisa said...

love that layout. snow days are so fun for kids. i love the pics of them shoveling the walks.

Qwendykay said...

I think this is where I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut, and not tell you that it's 11pm, my windows are open, and I'm wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Plus... I'm nursing a sunburn to the back of my neck because I forgot the sunblock from today's day lounging in the 80 degree temps....

Maddy said...

Sooooooo? Did it work?

And yes, I'm totally laughing. But you can get me back when I'm 9 months pregnant in June and wanting to kill myself.

Kaelene said...

Hey, Kerry, at least you don't have 40 below like Northern Dakota . . . YIKES!!!!
Laughin' with you, honey, not AT you!! wink wink

Kaelene said...
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