Thursday, February 05, 2009

Thrusday - for you old timer peas.

A couple that I did last night - I'm staying up way too late, but for some reason as tired as I feel during the day I am an insomniac at night! I swear it's because I hate any amount of light, and the snow outside along with the streetlamp make it look like it's daytime in the middle of the night. I need a new sleep mask!
I was copying down the journaling for Matthew's page from a journal I used to write in. I realized that even 6 years later this boy is the same exact way about water. Only now he knows better about doing it in the house, but he's still like that when we go to a pool. He's never been afraid of water. It's funny how some of the personality traits kids have they were born with and keep forever.
Speaking of Matthew, he is home from school today. We're about to head into Cincinnati to have a couple of cavities filled at the dentist. I think we have found the most perfect pediatric dental group, because they make everything so stress free for the kids. He's actually looking forward to going. I bet he'll be a little loopy on the ride home, which is why I figured he'd be better off out of school today. We'll have a little lunch and then head out. Like old times.


Anonymous said...

Hehe- check out this video on youtube. Hopefully Matthew has a better experience after the dentist... ;)

Kerry said...

Oh my gosh Beth, that was funny!!!

"Is this forever???" Poor kid!

Matthew was chatty, but nothing like that!!