Saturday, February 20, 2010

OK snow, I like you, but move along now.

Spring. I'm ready for Spring. Not that I'm not enjoying winter anymore but it is getting a little long at this point. I think mainly because today was a taste of what is to come. It was in the 40s and the sky was beautiful. The snow on the ground was blinding. It's funny how after a couple of weeks of close to zero temperatures, that a 40 degree day is worthy of a tshirt and feels warm.
We even grilled out some steaks last night and hamburgers tonight. Plus had the car washed. I came out of Kroger earlier and didn't remember that my car was shiny silver instead of white washed, salt covered dirty. It was nice to see through the windshield. It was nice not to step in slush when I got out. (Even though the parking lots are still crazy with huge piles of snow from where the plows pushed it all just a few days ago.) There is supposedly more snow to come, but today felt like Spring was trying.
It's like any season. You love when a new one starts. The good thing is, winter will be back again. So I just enjoy things about each season. I swear, I could never move away from a place that has seasons now.
Much has been accomplished this weekend. The kids all had thier dental checkups, the garage is cleared out of moving stuff and the car can now have a place of it's own. Bunco.....which actually wasn't even a game because not enough people were able to come so it was just visiting in the old neighborhood with old friends, with drinks and goodies. It reminds me how good it is to get out and laugh.
Mike and I plan on getting the kids to bed and enjoying a movie on the couch tonight. A well deserved break. Happy weekend!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

it was feeling like spring here for a little bit but it has been rainy and cold. which i don't mind too much. it will be all melted before you know it!