Sunday, July 09, 2006


Little update from the week:

both kids are feeling much better, off the couch and back to normal! Yay!

Today we decided to ditch church since Mike hasn't been around much lately because of school and work. So we had a family day.

We started out with a trip to Target. I promised Matthew a new set of playdoh colors since he spent the entire day before at the table playing with his playdoh stuff. He sat so still for a haircut, I used it as a bribe too.

Trevor got some too, just for being a good boy, and Megan picked out some paints.

So while the kids are happy and content with the new art stuff from Target, I cleaned up my scrap area. Look! There really is a table under there! I am such a messy scrapper. This probably had 2 inches of paper, ribbon and junk on it.

I'm pretty good about keeping my cabinet that holds my paper, stamps and all that clean and organized...but this feels good to have gotten done today.

Then we went out for dinner with Mike's parents since today is his dad's birthday. I worked on an album of his truck that he just had restored. A 1948 Ford truck that used to be his father's truck. It is really pretty cool. It used to haul vegetable from their farm in Taylor, AZ. His dad loved the album. That always is such a good feeling when you work on something for somebody else and they really look happy.

The rest of the day, I guess we will just try to hide inside from the heat. Usually we would go outside when the sun is going down and ride bikes or something, but since the kids have been sick I don't want them to do too much yet. We'll probably end up watching a Disney Channel movie. What would we do without those during the summer??

So that is the weekend. Nothing overly exciting, but nice. Please oooh and ahhhh over my clean scrap table. *wink*


Michelle said...

WOW kerry, your table (and WALL) looks AMAZING!!!!


Anonymous said...



i really do like it, kerry! ;)


Unknown said...

It looks great, Kerry! But then again, it's always looked clean to me. :)

Sounds like a nice, relaxing day!

Lisa said...

there was a table in there?

Anonymous said...

you're table looks awesome:) I love it when I clean my area:)