Sunday, July 16, 2006


Sunday morning. Bright and early! Mike took Megan and I flying this morning.

I have to admit...I get it now. Flying is fun. This is my first time in the front of a small plane. I really had a blast!

It is so cool to see the areas that you drive around everyday from up above. We flew over our house, and my favorite Target. We also flew to another airport to have breakfast. That was kind of neat. I think I could get used to this!

I did learn however, that I will probably never be flying by myself. Man, listening to Mike communicating with the towers just confused me.

The weather was great. It is hard to believe that there actually IS some cool air in Arizona right now. Unfortunately it is way up there. LOL!

Hope everybody is having a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Admit it- you're trying to outdo my flying pictures with *real* flying pictures; right? ;)

So cool! Where did you guys go?

Lisa said...

oh flying!! how fun!!! did he dip it??? c'mon--you gotta dip!!!

Kerry said...

Let me weigh this Beth...

flying in a little plane....
zip line in Canada, above the trees, in nice cool weather.

You win!!

Oh, and little miss Hawaii here...

you guys BOTH have me beat. ;)

No stalls on my first flight. It took me about five minutes to unclench in the first place. :)

Kim said...

looks like you had a good time kerry. fun to see pictures.

JAFP said...

1) I'm glad you had fun!
2) I'm also glad you "get it" now
3) I'll fly you from Hawaii to Whistler and then we'll do the zip line!

There...feel better Kerry?

Michelle said...

Did I ever tell you I gave Peter an airplane ride once for his birthday? I rode in the back while he flew about half the time (I didn't know that part). Yeah....there's a couple stories there ;) I'll bore you later.

Glad you had fun!!!

Anonymous said...

ooooooooooooh how fun Kerry!!! WAY COOL!!! ~Shanna

Anonymous said...

kerry = that is just dang cool! :)