Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hey all! I have to admit that I wasn't looking for validation yesterday, but dang, it felt good to read all of your replies! It really did help me feel better. It is just such a frustrating situation, and actually I am one of the lucky ones. There are kids that are even more sensitive than Matthew if you can believe that.

He is doing a little better today. He went to the doctor yesterday and he still had swollen eyes. There really wasn't much she could say other than he did have a bad reaction to whatever it was. It is odd that his throat didn't start to close up, but it was still pretty bad.

He itches so bad that he just tears apart his face. The skin around his eyes is red and cracked from rubbing them so hard, and he scratched his cute little cheeks so badly that they need ointment on them to keep him from scratching them open again. Poor thing.

It still worries me that this came out of nowhere.

But on a lighter note....

I took him to Costco with me this morning to pick up some photos. We were walking across the parking lot and all of a sudden he looks at me and says,

"There are a lot of mommy cars here today."

I stop and look since all I was focused on was my car, and sure enough the row that we were walking down was mini vans and sport utes one after the other. That just made me laugh.

"What makes those mommy cars Matthew?"

"They are big for lots of kids, and are silver, white or tan. They aren't fast like Lightning McQueen or daddy's car."



Anonymous said...

glad he's feeling a bit better. i know you must be so stressed. (((hugs)))

LOL about the cars! :D

Maddy said...

Oh man, poor Matthew. It's so hard to see your kids suffer. Glad that he is at least on the mend and your ped could validate your concerns!

Lisa said...

the mommy car comment was funny!!! have him come up and ride in my hippie mobile!! HA HA