Thursday, October 12, 2006


I know I say it all the time. But time really does go by so fast. Today my little girl is turning 8 years old. How can that be? I still remember EVERY detail of this day 8 years ago!! I mean I can't even remember what I had for lunch yesterday. Granted, the birth of a child is a bit more important, but how can I remember SO much like it was just yesterday????

Eight is such a big birthday too. According to clothes size, she has jumped up to a new 8-10 size, (even though she hasn't worn that at all and skipped right to sizes 10-12.) More things are opening up for her age. Classes through parks and rec have a whole new section for kids 8 and up, and 8 is the year that kids can be baptised in our church. I don't know, there just seems to be this 'magic number' thing surrounding eight years old.

Shoot, I even remember my own 8th birthday party.

So here she is. My baby girl. A very grown up, eight years old today.

Happy birthday sweetheart!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that it turned out to be a special year. Btw, i found your blog because i was (narcissisticly) seeing who links to Target Culture.

Michelle said...

did you forget to carry the one? She looks closer 18 than 8. (if that sounded bad I didn't mean it to LOL)

Man, that does go fast! :)

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to Megan!! And happy baptism, too!

Maddy said...


Kerry said...

Thanks you guys. And LOL at you Michelle, no kidding, I do think there should be a 1 in there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Megan is 8!!!! That is wonderful and she looks so pretty. Really, just an adorable girl. I hope her day was fun. Two Meg(h)an birthdays in October. Very cool. Both 8. You and Beth are on the same wavelength.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday, megan!

it is a busy month out there in AZ! ;)

kerry - i am LOL at the target guy finding your blog! how appropriate! :)

Lisa said...

she is so beautiful!!!! oh no--the underground target club is pulling kerry in!!!