Monday, May 21, 2007


That is still the sound in our house. Sometimes in stereo.

In my attempt to find the bright side or the humor in the situation, I realized how excited I am that all of the beds in our house have clean sheets, pillows and comforters. That is what happens when 3 out of 4 beds get puked in during the night.

Trevor just lucked out since he isn't sick, but he has clean sheets too.

Mike is still in the hospital. The stones were broken up by a laser, but haven't made an appearance yet. Without getting into TMI, he's not doing too good and is more than likely going to be having surgery again tomorrow. We can't keep things easy around this household you know. ;)


sue @ postcards from paradise falls said...

((hugs)) kerry... i hope everyone feels better really soon!

Michelle said...

oh no!!! I hope what's supposed to come out, does. And what's supposed to stay down, does. Or at least waits long enough to come out the right end ;)

Lisa said...

big hugs to you!! hope tomorrow is better!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry!

Call me if you need to - go get some sleep!

mimiscraps said...

I hope everyone feels better and that Mike does okay!