I know it happens fast, but I was shocked seeing the difference between the first day of school picture, to today's picture. Yep... last day of school. Man, where did that year go?
Maybe it's the bangs. Megan decided she wanted to grow them out this year. Trevor looks different too. So '2nd grade' looking now.
The excitement this morning was electric. I'm not kidding. I passed by one of the crossing areas on one of the busier streets in the subdivision, and there were 3 boys holding a huge sign next to the crossing guard. It said:
HONK!! Today is the last day of school!!!!!
Even the crossing guard was dancing around with her stop sign in the air. It was funny. People were honking like crazy! It was great. I wish I could have gotten a picture. I swear that kids were even walking across the field at a faster pace to get to their class lines. Remember how fun the last day was?? I'm even excited about having the kids home. (Remind me to re-read this entry during the summer when I hear the first, "I'm so bored!")
On another note, Mike is BACK in the hospital today. He wasn't feeling well yesterday afternoon and ended up in a lot of pain around dinner time. Plus he had a fever and was getting chills. He called the hospital and they told him to come back in. This time with a different urologist. That other guy was a quack. This new one promises to get it taken care of. A kidney stone should not take 5 days in the hospital, then ending up back there again. Thank you to Sharon (Mike's mom) for taking him in the middle of the night and sitting there with him. It was nice to know that somebody was there since I couldn't be. She gave me an update somewhere aroung 2:00 a.m. (I think.) I know it saved the kids a lot of stress that I was here this morning.
It's frustrating, but dare I say I'm getting a little used to being here by myself right now. :p
I have had tremendous support from the relief society in my ward. I tried not to let anybody know about what was going on because I felt like I was capable of making dinner. One of my friends found out through the kids, and all of a sudden I started having meals delivered. I have to say it really has helped out knowing that is one less thing to worry about at night.
Trevor thinks it is the coolest thing in the world. The boy loves food. Last night somebody brought by a quiche and a huge bag of cut up fruit. We all finished it up for breakfast this morning too. I am incredibly grateful.
So that is life in the Shums house today. :)
Oh Kerry. You have no idea how awful I feel for Mike. Having survived (and I mean SURVIVED) a few kidney stones, I know first hand how awful it is. The pain is excruciating and I saw this having endured 17 hours of labor with Chelsea and then a C-Section and recovery after that. Kidney stones are much worse. And nothing to show for it afterwards except a stone that you curse and can't believe a small thing could cause so much misery. Mike's is like a boulder though compared to what I've experienced. I couldn't believe it when they sent him home. As I ramble here, I realize I should have just sent you an email!
The kids look different, for sure! What a happy day for them. Doesn't Matthew start Kindergarden next year? You'll have all 3 in school?
Also, absolutely loving Piper. Every picture makes me smile.
I hope Mike really get better health care now...that his new doctor is more helpful. I'm so sorry that he is going through this.
Alex has two more weeks of school...then I'll be the mother of a middle schooler:P ACK!
Clearly, I've missed a lot since I haven't been on the computer in a couple days...
Piper is adorable (and huge!)- love the collar!
The kids look so much older. It's amazing how much they change in one year at this age.
I'm so sorry for Mike and his uninvited guest. :(
And I'm so totally grossed out by your carpet clean-up stories. ;) I hope everyone is feeling better and keeping it clean for ya!
Happy last day of school!!!
YEAY! last day of school! It was Ellie's last day too and I didn't send a present for her teacher. OOPS! Tasha said when she dropped the girls off, all the other kdis were carrying flowers and gift bags. Oh well, I'll never see her again. :)
I'm glad you're doing OK at home. I haven't wanted to e-mail you about all the mundane things in my life since I know you have so much more on your plate, but maybe you'll be up to reading my dribble tomorrow :)
And YEAY for meals. I swear the RS is amazing at getting meals together and finding every little thing out. Accept the help -- heaven knows you've been there to help enough people out. They just want to pay you back :)
I cannot tell you how many times i've ended up in the hostpital, puking my guts out in agony with kidney stones. They are horrible. Worse than the ABSOLUTE worst childbirth (sans meds) you could ever have nightmares about, and at the end of a week or so of agony, all you get is a whopping doctor bill, a new-found addiction to Percocet and a 7-11 mm crystal (NOT of the Swarovski persuasion) in the sieve they give you to pee in! It SUX and I'd almost rather do ANYTHING than get another one! Poor guy!
Oh yah...I'm a pal of Kim Hesson' blog y'got here!!
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