Thursday, April 26, 2007

fun for a measly $3

Excuse the dirty window. That is something I am trying to embrace right now. The fact that everytime I clean the windows, we get just enough rain to come along and mess things up.

I am trying to come to the realization that I'm never going to be able to win. Mother Nature doesn't like me to have clean windows. Or it's her way of telling me to relax a little on the OCD cleaning.

Yes, another Target post. I bought these cute little pots from the $1 spot for the kids to do. They each came with a dirt pellet that you pour water on and then they expand. The kids LOVED that part. Fascsinating stuff right there! Then they each put their seeds in, covered them with more dirt and put them in the window for some sun. It is cute to see them go check their own pot to see if anything has changed.

We have chives, oregano and basil. Trevor (the future chef, who gets his culinary skills from his father) is waiting so he can use these for spaghetti sauce. I think we'll be waiting awhile.


Anonymous said...

ooooooooooooooh my girls love this stuff!

Anonymous said...

Oh! I have to check that out! The girls planted seeds just before spring break that are looking pretty good right now. They had a blast, so we'll have to get these, too.

Trevor is a man after my own heart. I bought a small rosemary plant just after Christmas and it's thriving! I've been waiting to pick some for apple and rosemary chicken on the grill...